American Tours

IV National Tour

Another one from Jadey *I'd hug her again but I think it might kill her from all the previous ones* Wow, from Jadelynne-Again.. again? Cool. Thanks. :) *thinks this should be in the Hamburg section* absolutely no idea ^_~ also no idea. Probably ebay or something *shrugs* I got this from Lone scanned this from a local newspaper when cats came to Philly got from WereKatt's page got from a website with a review of the tour got from a website with a review of the tour from an article on Dana Solimandano (sp?) from Dance Spirit magazine from Bryan Batt's official homepage from a website with a review of the tour (the man in this picture had the same dance teacher as I do now!!!) from a website reviewing the tour from someone's (?) old Grizabella website from the same website as the first RTT picture from a website reviewing the tour from a website reviewing the tour from a website reviewing the tour from a website reviewing the tour from Gintora! from Jadelynne-Again jeri sager- got from a website reviewing the tour from a website about Michael Barriskill from a website reviewing the Tour from a website reviewing the tour Jadey found this! *jumps on and hugs Jadey to death* ahem.. I mean, Jadelynne-Again the magnificent! Electra sent this to me *huggles Lec* MistoGal a.k.a. MuG found thissa one!

Los Angeles aka III National Tour

everything is from the souvenir brochure  

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